Ship / Boat System

Expansion - New Zones, New Spawns
From now, each player can start a new mission on Decks, on each city, with Magnus Blackwater that it asks you for some materials in order to start the construction of your first boat.
Meet Shipright Trader at south of Dolwatha , passage to Falanaar, to buy the materials to start the construction of your boat then go back to talk with Magnus.

You will be rewarded with the The Explorer first boat to start navigation around the Continent.

Make sure to be prepared before start navigating, maybe you will find a storm or some Pirates ships that can start fighting against intruders.

A new Slot under Deck slot, can equip Ship's, without a ship you can't navigate.

Boat's doesn't have any bonus, they simple have a different look for now.
You can explore 9 New Isles see The Isles Tab to check about the Worldbosses that can be founded and new monsters.

Also, you can explore or go to other Cities (Falanaar, Dolwatha, Freewind, Bounac, Arkeron, and much more!) with the boat and also on Kindernia you will find a port to dock and help your friends or new players.

From now, each vocation can use all spells and attacks when still on water, you can also die and take your items back if you remember where you die.

The Explorer
First Boat obtained after completing mission for Magnus Blackwater
The Explorer
Slot: Ship
Obtention: Worldbosses.
Obtention: Worldbosses.
Menethil March
Obtention: Worldbosses.
Menethil March
Obtention: Worldbosses.
Obtention: Worldbosses.
Obtention: Worldbosses.
Scarlet Raven
Obtention: Worldbosses.
Scarlet Raven
Obtention: Worldbosses.
The Counterspell
Obtention: Worldbosses.
The Counterspell
Obtention: Worldbosses.
The Awakener
Obtention: Worldbosses.
The Awakener
Obtention: Worldbosses.